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The City of Grosse Pointe Woods Planning Commission hosted a community open house on October 23, 2023 and an online open house for those who were unable to attend the open house in person, or who wished to review the information at home. Thanks to all those who participated!

While the opportunity to provide input on the open house information has ended, the materials are available below for review and general feedback is still being accepted at Planning Commission meetings.



Resiliency poster

What actions do you think are most important in increasing the resiliency of Grosse Pointe Woods?

Vote on suggestions that have been submitted and provide any new suggestions that you may have.


Housing poster - trends
Housing poster - neighborhood-scale housing options

Economic Development

Economic development poster - introduction

How can the City support entrepreneurs and home-based businesses?

Economic development poster - introduction
Economic development poster - 10-minute neighborhoods

What do you think of a 10-Minute Neighborhood idea for the City?

Does it fit with the existing neighborhood fabric in Grosse Pointe Woods? Would it enhance your quality of life?
Loading Conversation
Neighborhood hubs summary


Transportation poster - introduction
Transportation poster - parking

Overflow Parking

Quick Poll

Is overflow parking on side streets a problem?

This poll has concluded.

  • Yes
    40% (2 votes)
  • No
    60% (3 votes)
Total Votes: 5

Community Character

Community character poster

Open House Posters

This image gallery shows the posters that were presented at the October 23 Open House.