2023 Master Plan

The 2023 Master Plan was prepared between 2021-2023 and represents a continual effort by the Planning Commission and Township Board to proactively plan for the future needs of the community. A series of joint public meetings were held by the Board and Planning Commission to discuss the recommendations of the plan. Citizens, landowners and interested members of the general public also attended meetings and were involved with the discussion on the plan. A public hearing to present the plan was conducted prior to its adoption by the Township Board. Prior to this plan, Genoa Township’s last comprehensive Master Plan was completed in 1998, with amendments made in 2000, 2003, 2006, and 2013.

The Township regularly refines its Zoning Ordinance and subdivision regulations in response to changing conditions, goals, and the law. Thus, this 2023 Master Plan represents the latest in a series of documents and ordinances which will help to ensure that the Township maintains its desired community character.

The 2023 plan's goals and objectives are provided below. The Future Land Use chapter of the plan follows.

Master Plan Goals & Objectives

Future Land Use Chapter