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On July 29, 2024, the Sterling Heights Office of Planning and Planning Commission hosted a workshop to learn and get feedback on future sustainability initiatives in the city, including our first ever Climate Action Plan.

At the beginning of the workshop, a brief presentation was given which is provided on this page.

Further below, this page contains activities that are similar to those that were available for people to participate in at the workshop. Each tab contains a different activity.

Please review the materials and submit your feedback as you have time.

Budgeting Climate Action

What We Have & What We Need

Make Sterling Heights Cool

The aim of this activity is to identify technologies, structures, and activities that reduce the urban heat island effect.

For each technology, structure, or activity, you may decide whether it is more likely to increase or decrease heat. Then, you're asked to consider whether that particular technology, structure, or activity is more appropriate in city or residential settings; there may not be a "correct" answer for this component, but the feedback will be helpful in determining future applications.

You can view how others responded below:

One Commitment & One Request

While you're thinking about sustainability...

One Commitment

What is one sustainable practice you would like to commit to following? (max 140 characters).

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One Request

What is one request you would like to make to the City of Sterling Heights to pursue when it comes to sustainability? (max 140 characters).

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